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Growth From A Broken Group

Public·20 members

Tianda’s journal entry, November 19th, 2022

I left for work 30 mins early; due to traffic, I then became late. God told me to be patient, not be on my phone, and just sit in silence and listen to him. He said, Don’t worry about the traffic I have passed, and do not look back. Long story short I made it to work right on time. Then I continued to write: God has you protected; simply follow God, as many in the Bible did, and be obedient to God while following him. Don't worry; allow God to do his work and be patient. God will provide, and he is not a man who will lie. If he tells you that he will do something, trust and believe that it is already done. Listen to him and praise him throughout the process and after it.

This was an old diary entry that I found in one of my many journals that I have. Even now, I still live by this, and God continues to show me that I am protected everyday.



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